Invest in America: 2011 Guide to Federal Incentives and Programs Available to Investors
More complete information as to eligibility, application deadlines, and procedures for applying can be found at the website provided in the summaries for each program. These programs complement existing U.S. state and local efforts to promote inward investment.
Invest in America - a program of the U.S. International Trade Administration at the Department of Commerce - handles inquiries from foreign governments and investors who want to learn more about investing in the United States. Invest in America provides information about the United States economy as a whole, assists in making contacts with appropriate federal and state agencies, and helps investors learn more about U.S. policies and investment procedures. It also works with each of the 50 states, the District of Columbia, and U.S. territories to connect potential investors with U.S. investment officials and maintains a list of individual state contacts designated by each state's governor to answer international investment inquiries.
Another federal initiative, administered through various federal agencies is Startup America, which seeks to accelerate high-growth entrepreneurship throughout the nation. The Commerce Department also administers Foreign-Trade Zones, designated U.S. locations where companies can take advantage of special procedures that allow delayed or reduced duty payments on foreign merchandise, as well as other savings.
Project Announcements
Clasen Quality Chocolate Plans Frederick County, Virginia, Production Operations
DG Fuels Plans Phelps County, Nebraska, Production Operations
Aspetto Relocates-Expands Fredericksburg, Virginia, Headquarters-Operations
Earth Breeze Plans Harrodsburg, Kentucky, Operations
BorderPlex Digital Assets Plans Santa Teresa, New Mexico, Operations
Cornbread Hemp Expands Louisville, Kentucky, Operations
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