With national and legislative focus on alternative and renewable energy
initiatives still evolving, this landscape for new domestic and global
investment opportunities are constantly being redefined for economic
The Renewable Energy Forum, April 13-15 in Tulsa brings together an
outstanding lineup of selected speakers from among site consultants, energy experts and corporate end users knowledgeable in all disciplines of the renewable energy industry. The program will present the most current trends and opportunities that most attract OEM, suppliers and other investors to the marketplace. It is a Consultants Forum conference event and organized by Area Development Magazine.
The Renewable Energy Forum is an all business program where you will hear outstanding presentations and panel discussions, speak one-on-one with industry experts, participate in roundtable sessions and network with your peers. The Forum explores critical issues as they relate to industry growth,new frontiers in renewable energy product and component manufacturing,related support/supplier industries, logistic and supply chain issues, FDI and the best prospects for investment opportunities among emerging technologies.
The Forum opens with a Wednesday evening Welcome Reception/Dinner that
allows you to meet the speakers and your colleagues, and continues with a full-day program on Thursday and a half day of break-out Roundtables with your chosen consultants on Friday morning.
Registration is $1495 and includes meals and receptions during your stay. (Early Bird Registration fee is $1295 by February 4th). Same organization group registrations are available at $1095 each for three (3) or more participants. This Forum will be held at the beautifully and newly renovated art deco Mayo Hotel in Tulsa. The conference hotel room rates of $139 deluxe (sold out) or $169 suite per night are available from Tuesday April 12 through Saturday April 16. Please note that due to limited number of rooms in each room category reservations at these conference rates can be confirmed only after receipt of your Forum registration form and payment and will be assigned on a first registered/requested basis.
Subject Topics:
- Renewable Energy Markets: The Big Picture
- Emerging Technologies - the Likely Winners Near and Long Term
- Incentives and How They're Shaping the Industry
- Key Trends impacting the Solar Industry
- Battery Technology and it's role in Renewable Energy
- Factors that are Driving the Site Selection Process
- Biomass and its Potential
- Wind Energy - New Manufacturing Frontiers
- Attracting Investment Across the Value Chain
- Manufacturing and Supply Chain Trends
- Attracting FDI - Where to Look For Global Projects
- Integrating Renewable Energy into Your Prospect Strategy
Who Should Attend:
- State EDCs
- Regional EDCs
- Local EDCs
- Utility ED Dept's
- Energy Corridor Organizations
- Energy Initiative Organizations
- President, VP, Ex Dir, Dir, Mgrs, Energy Project Mgrs
Planned General Itinerary ( Speakers TBA)
Wednesday, April 13th
- 5:30pm Registration Opens
- 7:00pm Opening Networking Reception/Dinner
Thursday, April 14th
- 7:30am Networking Breakfast
- 8:30am Morning Conference Sessions
- 12:15pm Keynote Luncheon
- 2:00pm Afternoon Conference Sessions
- 4:00pm Consultants Firing Line
- 5:00pm Networking Reception
Friday, April 15th
- 7:30am Networking Breakfast
- 8:45am Morning Conference Sessions
- 10:30 Roundtable Breakout Sessions
- 12:30pm Closing Networking Luncheon