Edgecore Begins Construction on Mesa, Arizona, Data Center
When it is eventually built out, the Mesa Data Center Campus will have seven buildings totaling more than 1.25 million square feet. EdgeCore’s Mesa Data Center Campus will be part of the City’s Elliot Road Technology Corridor. The data center campus will include an on-site substation to deliver the utility power needed to support 225 megawatts of critical load to meet customer needs.
EdgeCore is investing more than $150 million on its first data center and a commensurate additional investment from its customers of $300 million. Upon full build out, the total combined investment is estimated to exceed $2 billion for EdgeCore and its customers. The first building at the EdgeCore campus is scheduled to open in late 2018.
“The new EdgeCore co-location data center will be a great addition to the Elliot Road Technology Corridor, and serve a growing demand of customers,” Greater Phoenix Economic Council (GPEC) President & CEO Chris Camacho said. “Congratulations to Mayor Giles and his team, along with our partners, who worked to present a strong business case for attracting the company to the market.” GPEC assisted during the site selection process.
“We’re thrilled that EdgeCore has selected Mesa, Arizona as the site for its first North American data center campus,” Governor Doug Ducey said. “We’re focused on making sure Arizona remains the ideal place for technology companies to succeed over the long-term, and this impressive project shows we’re achieving that mission. I thank EdgeCore for their commitment to our state.”
"EdgeCore has chosen a prime location for their new data center campus," Mayor John Giles said. "Mesa’s Elliot Road Technology Corridor has the infrastructure technology companies need to get up and running fast. Congratulations EdgeCore, we wish you the best of success."
“Arizona’s reliable energy, minimal risk of natural disasters and pro-business climate make our state the ideal location for data center operations,” said Sandra Watson, Arizona Commerce Authority President & CEO. “EdgeCore is making a significant, $2 billion capital investment with the establishment of this new, high-tech facility in Mesa, and we thank them for their commitment to our state.”
“With the anticipated $2 billion EdgeCore is looking to invest nationwide, I could not be happier that they identified Mesa as their jumping off point. I want to welcome them to District 6 and I know that this location will be the first of their many success stories,” District 6 Councilmember Kevin Thompson said.
“The City of Mesa met or exceeded all aspects of our demanding site-selection criteria,” EdgeCore CEO and Chairman Tom Ray said. “The Elliot Road Technology Corridor provides the infrastructure, including redundant power capacity and robust fiber networks, to support high-growth, high-technology business such as EdgeCore’s. Importantly, from the Mayor’s office and City Council through the Departments of Planning and Engineering, the City has been a true partner in supporting EdgeCore’s investment, and as such building value for the City’s residents.”
The City of Mesa, Arizona Commerce Authority, Greater Phoenix Economic Council and Eastmark worked in partnership to assist EdgeCore in bringing its facility to Mesa.
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